On 20120603, at 24:43, Alexander Hansen wrote:

> On 6/2/12 12:05 AM, John Hurst wrote:
>> G'day,
>> I have just installed Lion and fink no longer works (well, I wasn't 
>> surprised at that).
>> I have installed the Lion XCode package, but fink complains:
> What version of Xcode?  If you have Xcode 4.3.x it is quite different
> than earlier versions.   In particular, the command line tools,
> including rsync, are a separate install.

I did install the current Xcode (which is a separate download from Lion), but 
I'm not sure what version it is.  How do I check that?
>> ...
>> Before changing your selfupdate method to 'rsync', you must install Xcode, 
>> available on your original OS X install disk, or from 
>> http://connect.apple.com (after free registration).
>> Failed: Selfupdate method 'rsync' cannot be used
> This text suggests that you have an older fink version than current.
> The current fink (0.32.6) gives text which is applicable to Xcode 4.3.x.

fink --version gives: Package manager version: 0.32.3

but of course it will not self-update because of the aforementioned problems 
(incomplete X11)

>> ajh@dimboola $ 
>> The suggested page does not appear to have anything specific to Lion (10.7), 
>> and talks about installation, not upgrading problems.
> Try running
> fink-virtual-pkgs --debug 2>&1 | grep -A30 libX11
> My suspicion is that you're missing the X11 SDK because that gets
> installed as part of the Command Line Tools package for Xcode 4.3.x.

This gives:

ajh@dimboola $ fink-virtual-pkgs --debug 2>&1 | grep -A30 libX11
- checking for library libX11.6.dylib... found in /usr/X11R6/lib
- checking for X servers... /usr/X11R6/bin/Xquartz
  - system-xfree86-shlibs provides x11-shlibs
  - found an X server, system-xfree86 provides xserver and x11
- checking for header X11/Xlib.h... - checking for library libGL.1.dylib... 
found in /usr/X11R6/lib
  - system-xfree86-shlibs provides libgl-shlibs
  - system-xfree86 provides libgl
- checking for header GL/gl.h... - checking for library libXft.1.dylib... 
- checking for library libXft.2.dylib... found in /usr/X11R6/lib
  - system-xfree86-shlibs provides xft2-shlibs
- checking for library libXft.dylib... found in /usr/X11R6/lib
  - libXft points to Xft2
    - system-xfree86-dev provides xft2-dev
    - system-xfree86 provides xft2
- checking for library libfontconfig.1.dylib... found in /usr/X11R6/lib
  - system-xfree86-shlibs provides fontconfig1-shlibs
- checking for library libfontconfig.dylib... found in /usr/X11R6/lib
- checking for header fontconfig/fontconfig.h... - checking for rman... 
/usr/X11R6... missing
/usr/X11... missing
- checking for threaded libXt... missing
  - system-xfree86-shlibs provides xfree86-base-threaded-shlibs
  - system-xfree86 provides xfree86-base-threaded
WARNING: you have an incomplete X11 installation.
  See http://finkproject.org/faq/usage-packages.php#special-x11-debug for 
details on repairing it.
- checking for Growl... missing
Package: 64bit-cpu
Status: install ok installed
ajh@dimboola $ 
> We don't support upgrading Fink in place on the 10.6 -> 10.7 transition.

So this means I should wipe the /sw directory and re-install fink from scratch?

> http://www.finkproject.org/download/10.7-upgrade.php?phpLang=en
> -- 
> Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
> Fink User Liaison
> http://finkakh.wordpress.com/2012/02/21/got-job/

Thanks, and
--John Hurst
--5 Fran Court, Glen Waverley, VIC 3150                      ~ ~~~&#:
-- a...@ajhurst.org  +61 3 9803 9346              _..___  ---____@___H__
--(mob 0407 569 292)                             |_____[_|_________[__]_
-- http://www.ajhurst.org/~ajh                    oo oo  oo O--O--O o=o
-- Nerd is the new cool (Emma Ayres)

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