> On May 25, 2017, at 22:33, Daniel Macks <dma...@netspace.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 25 May 2017 15:29:38 -0700, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>>>> On May 25, 2017, at 14:58, Philip Lamb  wrote:
>>>> Scanning binaries for incorrect dyld linking...
>>>> /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/objdump:
>>>>  'aclocal.m4': The file was not recognized as a valid object file
>>> Start by updating fink-package-precedence. After Apple changed the behavior 
>>> of ‘otool’, fink-package-precedence was updated to use ‘otool-classic’ 
>>> instead, which has the classic behavior of not erroring out when 
>>> encountering a non-object file.  atk1 doesn’t have a versioned build 
>>> dependency on fink-package-precedence (yet), so it won’t automatically 
>>> update the latter’s version.
> Assuming your diagnosis is correct, which sounds likely, I don't think this 
> is specific to atk1 (it's just "whatever $user happened to try to update 
> first"), so no sense having a versioned bdep for f-p-p. Given how widespread 
> f-p-p is at low-level parts of so many packages, should it become an 
> Essential:yes package so that these updates get propagated more promptly to 
> users?
> dan

Yeah, that’d make sense.  


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