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On Thursday, July 25, 2002, at 01:02 , Jason Townsend wrote:
> You have to be a channel admin/operator (not sure of the correct 
> terminology for this). Your icon should have a red background. If this is 
> the case, when you control click on yourself in the list it should have a 
> Change topic... menu command.

Not true. Channels can be set so everyone has /topic privileges. That's 
how our IRC channels are setup at work - anyone can set topic. Fire does 
not honor the channel flags - why not just provide the menu option 
regardless of what Fire *thinks* your privileges are and let IRC handle it?

> I believe there is already a feature request for us to support /topic 
> like we do /me.

Well, that would also solve the problem - as long as you guys don't make 
it conditional on channel op status.

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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