The amazing thing is that the George Mason L. Rev. accepted it.

This is another of his recent papers:  "Do Androids Dream?': Personhood and
Intelligent Artifacts <>"

On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 7:58 PM, C D Tavares <> wrote:

> The entire paper seems to hinge on a massave fallacy:
> Today, when a concerted effort is made to obliterate this point, it cannot
> be repeated too often that the Constitution is a limitation on the
> government, not on private individuals -- that it does not prescribe the
> conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government -- that
> it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizens'
> protection against the government.
> It is ridiculous a priori to propose that a private citizen cannot perform
> actions that would be unconstitutional for a government to perform.  A
> private school may choose to accept only Catholics or blacks; a public
> school may not.  A private business owner may give hiring preference to his
> brother-in-law; a government bureau may not.  A fraternal organization or
> club may close its business and social functions to non-members; a
> government may not.  A private editor-in-chief or TV producer may refuse
> all content and commentary favorable to one side of a political issue; a
> government media outlet may not.  A private welfare organization can take a
> recipient's "attitude" into account; a government welfare organization
> cannot.
> Another basic error in this piece is that the state has a "monopoly of
> deadly force."  The state has a monopoly on INITIATING deadly force.  Any
> citizen has a right to RESPOND to deadly force with deadly force in defense.
> I'd also ask this fellow to point out specifically where in the text I may
> find a "fundamental constitutional right to life."
> Is this what they're teaching in law school these days?  I don't know
> anything about USC, but I'm surprised to see sophistry of this caliber
> being published by George Mason.
> On May 8, 2013, at 1:42 PM, "Olson, Joseph E." <> wrote:
> "The Value of Life: Constitutional Limits on Citizens’ Use of Deadly 
> Force"<>
>  [image: Free Download]
> George Mason Law Review, Vol. 21, 
> 2014<>
> , University of South Carolina - School of Law
> Email:
> This Article argues that most states have unconstitutionally overbroad
> authorizations for citizens to use deadly force in the context of crime
> prevention, citizen’s arrest, and defense of one’s “castle.” Similarly,
> some authorizations of deadly force for self-defense in public areas may be
> unconstitutional. The starting points of this argument are the fundamental
> value of life, the state’s monopoly of deadly force, and the fundamental
> constitutional right to life. Because of the state’s monopoly of deadly
> force, any use of such force is either legitimate or proscribed. The lack
> of a third category of “private” use of deadly force affects constitutional
> review of authorizations of the use of deadly force in two ways.
> First, a citizen’s use of authorized deadly force is subject to the same
> constitutional limitations that apply to a governmental official’s use of
> such force. Consequently, because some authorizations permit citizens to
> use deadly force in a way that would be unconstitutional if a government
> official had used the same force, these citizen authorizations are also
> unconstitutional.
> Second, equal protection and substantive due process review of an
> authorization require a stringent standard of review in terms of the rights
> of citizens killed as a result of the authorization of deadly force. More
> specifically, because of the fundamental constitutional right to life, the
> authorization must be narrowly tailored to address a compelling state
> interest. Many authorizations of deadly force do not satisfy this standard
> because they are so overbroad that they include authorizations of deadly
> force in situations where the state interest involved is not sufficiently
> compelling to justify a denial of the fundamental right to life.
> Because of the unfairness of applying a constitutional limit in the
> context where a citizen has acted in accordance with an overbroad
> authorization of deadly force, a prospective declaration of
> unconstitutionality may be appropriate.
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Professor Joseph Olson, J.D.(*Hon*. Duke), LL.M.(*Tax*. Florida)
               o    651-523-2142
Hamline University School of Law (MS-D2037)
                    f     651-523-2236
St. Paul, MN  55113-1235
                                     c    612-865-7956
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