On 04/03/12 13:38, Dmitry Kuzmenko wrote:
> Hello, Alex!
> Tuesday, April 3, 2012, 1:02:56 PM, you wrote:
> AP> As far as I can see from IB documentation, they do not support
> AP> distribution of encrypted databases mode. Am I right?
> what do you mean by "distribution" ? Several database
> on the same server, encrypted with one key? No.
> Database that was encrypted can be moved from server to
> server? Yes.

First of all - for databases, placed on servers, there are already a lot
of tools like TrueCrypt, making it possible to avoid loss of data in
case of physical loss of it. Therefore if it all was only for such usage
probably it was not much sense in starting with database encryption at all.

But there is another important usage. It's a case, when databases are
distributed pre-filled with some important data, and authors wish to
make sure that only application, written by them, can access such
database. In this case we have some additional requirements - for
example, authors want to make sure that secret key and data can't be
stolen replacing engine with some special build, which is a known
problem for OS software. That is waht I call distribution of encrypted

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