
We're getting closer to the v3.0 feature freeze which is going to happen 
this summer. Everything roadmapped for v3 but not implemented before the 
deadline will be postponed. The next-after-v3 release is likely to 
incorporate most of the postponed features, but there may be new 
features as well. So it makes sense to start discussing what could and 
should be done in the next version(s). We have a few months to collect 
the proposals, discuss technical details and make estimates about the 
required efforts.

This message is the invitation to both project members and users who 
closely follow the development. If you want to discuss something for 
potentially including into the new version(s), feel free to do that in 
separate threads. Please be prepared to protect your opinion and discuss 
the details, simple votes "I like feature X" don't count. A tracker 
ticket for the feature request is appreciated, please add its URL to 
your post.

Just for the reference, the top-voted tickets can be found here:

The ongoing results of the planning stage will be published on our 
website and scheduled for the next version(s) by the project admins.


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