28.04.2014 19:48, Dalton Calford wrote:

> Android and iOS native clients if not native servers, are extremely
> important given the market growth in those areas and the lack of a good
> solid database engine to work with.

Isn't sqlite solid enough? ;-) At least for the tasks a tablet can run.

> A scheduler for firebird would totally eliminate my own use of custom
> applications tied to database events/time events.

Architecturally, Firebird database is not active without user 
connections. This slightly changes with the LINGER support, but not so 
much. So the question is who should be waiting for the timer events when 
nobody is connected. And if it should be the server's (not the engine's) 
feature, then what to do with the embedded setup?

> Database links, which would require the Object names and schema support

I fail to see how they would require one or another. Or maybe I just see 
database links completely differently.

> For example, you could put each schema into a remote server/database

Your imagination surely takes a lead over mine. I've never thought of 
the database links this way. And I'm not really sure I want to.


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