28.04.2014 16:14, Simonov Denis wrote:
> optimizer
> 1. Enable use MERGE / HASH JOIN for OUTER JOINs
> 2. Performing EXISTS / IN SEMI JOIN as including using MERGE / HASH, and
> NESTED LOOP using index
> 3. HASH aggregation Add to an existing method using sorting

I don't think the optimizer algorithms should become the planning goals. 
They evolve from version to version anyway. But your point is taken, thanks.

> 4. Conditional INDEX ONLY SCAN as in Postgresql (dimitr said that it is
> possible to ODS 12)

Theoretically possible, but only in some rare cases. There are other 
issues preventing it from working (now).

> 2. Add JAVA, .NET PROCEDURE and FUNCTION (not just C++)

You can do it in v3 as soon as someone writes the required interfacing 
plugins (external engines). Volunteers anyone?

> 2. Standby can be based on nbackup
> http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-2990

And it can be based on other solutions too. Why do you think this one is 
the best?


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