28.04.2014 18:29, Carlos H. Cantu wrote:
> Here is my list:

Arrrgh! :-)

I've skipped the items I have nothing to say about (mostly due to lack 
of interest, sorry for fairness).

> 2) I second Jesus Garcia request for native replication, since people at
> FDD and in FireBase's list are always claiming about the lack of such
> feature.

Replication is a too common word. What do they really need? Warm 
standby? Hot standby? Sync replication? Async replication? Multi-master? 
Maybe point-in-time recovery? Maybe FB->Oracle or vice versa?

> 3) A way to schedule some tasks direct in FB, for example,
> running procures, sweeps, statistics recalcs, etc. at specific
> scheduled days/times. What would be accepted as a task could be
> limited to whatever you guys thinks that would be "safe" to implement:
> http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-743

See my other post about this.

> 4) A way to access data in external files/non-fb-databases . AFAIR,
> this was planned as an extension of currently "execute statement"

I don't remember promises for external files, although it might be 
doable. I'd rather settle on non-fb-databases for the time being.

It means we need someone with non-fb-database API knowledge to implement 
a plugin. Volunteers anyone? Or we may create some common (ODBC / JDBC / 
ADO.NET) plugins and don't care about the rest. But again, volunteers 

> 7) It is known that mixing DDL/DML in the same transaction can cause
> corruption in DBs. If this cannot be 100% fixed, I suggest to
> introduce some mechanism to detect such situation and avoid the
> execution of the statement before corruption happens.

Maybe my memory is failing, but I don't remember corruptions because of 
this reason. v1.0 and v1.5 don't count.

> 8) Enhancement to the numerics calculations. The currently rule of
> summing the scale of the types involved in muls/divs is very bad and
> can easily cause overflow. Maybe FB could automatically truncate the
> result to the maximum precision possible to accommodate the final
> value. Even better if the truncation happens only in the final result
> (not during the internal calculations).

Blame me for delaying it again and again. But I don't agree with 
truncations, Mark is right that a longer precision is a better way to 
go. However, longer NUMERIC/DECIMAL data types and longer intermediate 
results during calculations are two different things, even if related.

Please create a ticket so that I can have it assigned.

> I suggest that if some of those features are impossible to be
> implemented, their existing tickets should be marked to "Wont/Fix" and
> the details of "why" be added to the comments.

Usually the problem is not implementation possibility but need and 


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