08.05.2014 21:49, Leyne, Sean wrote:
>>> IIRC, there is no precedence dependency between these two pages, so
>>> they can be written in any order.
>> So, with FW=OFF, killing server in-between can produce both orphan nodes
>> and missing entries depending on luck and parallel activity.
> True, but that is database corruption problem, not an order of precedence 
> issue.
> That is why using FW=OFF in a production environment (on any platform) is 
> just wrong!

1) This is not a corruption. Or, at least, this is a non-catastrofic 
corruption that the engine can deal with itself. It doesn't make the 
database unusable.

2) There's no much difference between FW ON and OFF in this particular 
case. Even with forced writes enabled, the server may die in between 
writing those pages.

3) I respectfully disagree regarding FW=OFF for a [well controlled] 
production environment. Although generally your point is surely valid.


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