09.05.2014 20:08, Leyne, Sean wrote:
>>> I was referring to cases where the disk controller has ignored the engine
>> careful write order, by "collapsing" disk sector writes and applying them in 
>> a
>> sequence optimal for the disk but out of order from a FB perspective (Jim's
>> comment about micro code optimization).
>>> In that case, the end result is a corrupted database.
>> I understand, the point was that FW=ON does not eliminate this problem
>> either, only reduce its possibility.
> I don't agree.
> FW=ON means that the data has been written to disk (let's ignore the case of 
> the write-back-cache enabled disk controller -- it doesn't change the answer).

Generally, FW=ON only means that the data has been passed to the storage 
controller. The rest depends on its cache and/or microcode, as Jim has 
correctly pointed out. We cannot control when and in what order our 
pages get written to the disk itself. We can feel ourselves more or less 
safe only if the controller is battery backed.


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