28.06.2014 11:01, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
> If a cursor is open, and the SQL-transaction in which the cursor was
> opened makes a significant change to SQL-data

At the first glance, this is what we called "cursor stability" and have 
fixed in FB3. But in fact it covers other cases as well and I don't 
think we support them (e.g. DSQL cursor is open, one row is fetched, 
then an update is posted, then the second row is fetched).

> If a holdable cursor is open during an SQL-transaction T and it is held
> open for a subsequent SQL-transaction, then whether any significant
> changes made to SQL-data (by T or any subsequent SQL-transaction in
> which the cursor is held open) are visible through that cursor in the
> subsequent SQL-transaction before that cursor is closed is determined as
> follows:

AFAIU, this chapter means that T has been committed but the cursor was 
hold (something similar to our commit retaining), i.e. transactions are 
started and committed sequentially. I don't know how it should be 
applied to the scenario with concurrent transactions.


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