On 01/16/17 20:57, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> On 16/01/2017 15:40, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
>> On 01/15/17 21:00, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
>> I like the suggestion in general but some details worth thinking more.
> Sure. It's yet more an general idea than a proposal.
> What I like about it, it's much simple in relation to what we have now
> while fixing the problems.
> Another gray area is how to support AFTER DDL triggers, who are supposed
> to see changes in RDB$ tables.

Make all transaction work with virtual metadata?

>> Returning to 'allow concurrent transactions to change the same objects'.
>> What if both transactions create same objects or any other phase 1
>> conflict?
>> First committed wins?
> Yes.

That's OK for me.

>> PS. We had more or less same suggestion from Jim >10 years ago (well, no
>> word 'Virtual' was said that time) but it did not go out of generic
>> discussion phaze.
> I don't remember it.

Not strange - I suppose you've started to actively participate in 
firebird project later. Please see:

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