On 17/01/2017 13:48, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 17.01.2017 16:35, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
>> Temporary invalidated state is incompatible with DDL+DML using the
>> being-changed DDL:
>    It just require some decisions.
>> create table t (n integer, c computed by (f(n)));
>> -- create function f ...
>> commit;
>> ----
>> drop function f;
>> select * from t; -- ??
>    At prepare stage existence of object is checked anyway. Current 
> transaction cannot see 
> function f - "function not found" error is thrown.

Statement may already be prepared and allowed to be used not only in
this dirty transaction, but in others one.

This a monster much greater and uglier than DFW.


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