Den 2021-10-12 kl. 14:05, skrev Dmitry Yemanov:
12.10.2021 13:36, Kjell Rilbe wrote:

Support for many page sizes requires changes in page cache management and should
be considered together. I don't see it as "must have" feature, btw.

That's the feature that our DB would benefit most from probably, since some tables are orders of magnitude(s) larger than most others, so to be able to have a larger page size for those tables' indices only would probably be nice.

Given that FB4 supports 32KB page size, are those indices still deeper than 3 levels?

Well, I thought I had upgraded to 32 kbyte page size, but apparently not. It's still at 16 kbyte. I'll add to my to do list...

At 16 kbyte page size I seem to have a single index with depth 4. Thought there were more, but apparently not.

Thanks for "forcing" me to take a look. :-)


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