27.10.2021 21:48, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:

Do we plan to update Visual Studio to 2019 for v5?

  I have no such a plan but see nothing wrong with it.

If yes, will the VS 2017 build be still maintained?

  I suppose - yes.

If yes for above question, would we create duplicate files as before?

  I see no problem with it. Especially if we'll support just two VS versions.

Or is there a better way to make the same set of files easily usable both in VS 2017 and 2019?

  It highly depends on what is "usable". I don't know about "better" way as 
one satisfy my needs as active developer and I don't look for something else.

For my builds in VS 2019, I set WindowsTargetPlatformVersion just to "10.0" instead of a specific point release. Maybe this also works for VS 2017.

  There is no such setting in VS 2017. There is "TargetPlatform" (read-only) and
"Windows SDK Version". The values of the latter one depends on "Platform 

For PlatformToolset, is there a way to set it to some value that gets the 
"default" (v141 for VS 2017, v142 for VS 2019)?

  There is a problem with "Windows SDK Version" value in VS 2017, as different
developers could have installed different versions of SDK and VS 2017 can't just
use most\any "suitable". It was promised to be fixed in VS 2019. I didn't check 
by myself.

  As for "PlatformToolset" - i don't know, but not see it as a problem if we 
two set of project files.

I'm testing the creation of a docker image for Firebird build, and it seems impossible to create a scripted install using a specific version of VS 2017. It always installs the latest version.

  Why it is a problem for us ?

For VS 2019 it's possible to install any version downloading a specific 
vs_buildtools installer.


PS: Soon there will also be VS 2022...

  I hope we will release FB5 before VS 2022 became stable.


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