On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:01 PM Vlad Khorsun <hv...@optima.com.ua> wrote:

> > If yes for above question, would we create duplicate files as before?
>    I see no problem with it. Especially if we'll support just two VS
> versions.
> > Or is there a better way to make the same set of files easily
> > usable both in VS 2017 and 2019?
>    It highly depends on what is "usable". I don't know about "better" way
> as current
> one satisfy my needs as active developer and I don't look for something
> else.
It's a PITA to add .cpp/.h files to one set of projects, and much more to
two sets.

And in the past, we always had versions with lagging changes.

> > For my builds in VS 2019, I set WindowsTargetPlatformVersion just
> to "10.0" instead of a specific point release. Maybe this also
> > works for VS 2017.
>    There is no such setting in VS 2017. There is "TargetPlatform"
> (read-only) and
> "Windows SDK Version". The values of the latter one depends on "Platform
> Toolset".
I'm talking about the settings in the .vcxproj files.

> > For PlatformToolset, is there a way to set it to some value that gets
> the "default" (v141 for VS 2017, v142 for VS 2019)?
>    There is a problem with "Windows SDK Version" value in VS 2017, as
> different
> developers could have installed different versions of SDK and VS 2017
> can't just
> use most\any "suitable". It was promised to be fixed in VS 2019. I didn't
> check it
> by myself.
>    As for "PlatformToolset" - i don't know, but not see it as a problem if
> we support
> two set of project files.
I'm testing a solution and it seems possible to have both VS 2017 and 2019
working with the same set of files without one interfering with the other.
I will tell more about it after more tests.

> > I'm testing the creation of a docker image for Firebird build, and it
> seems impossible to create a scripted install using a specific
> > version of VS 2017. It always installs the latest version.
>    Why it is a problem for us ?
As for me it's ok. But not everyone agrees and chooses and fixes a version
for releases. It's as the project always worked.

> > For VS 2019 it's possible to install any version downloading a specific
> vs_buildtools installer.
> >
> >
> > Adriano
> >
> > PS: Soon there will also be VS 2022...
>    I hope we will release FB5 before VS 2022 became stable.
> It depends on what you define as stable. It's supposed to be GA in

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