Ahhhh, I know what the misunderstanding is now - I think this came up
sometime last year on bugtraq, and I posted a similar reply.

I'll summarise: The pre-shared key one enters has nothing at all to do
with the encryption keys actually used by 3DES. In any case, a 32 byte
hex key is 256 bits, which is plenty strong enough. I don't consider
truncating a 48 byte key to 32 bytes to be a security issue. I suspect
that the option to manually enter the pre-shared key is to stop the
Netscreen from passing it through a 128 or 160 bit hash before it is
used (for those who don't trust, or think they can do better than the
hash function).

Detail inline.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 6:19 AM
> Subject: RE: Netscreen 5xp 3Des Keys
>   I believe what the NetScreens do is, by this definition, pre-shared 
> keying.
>   The extra wrinkle here is that NetScreen allows you to enter the 
> key in hexadecimal, or enter a "password" from which it will generate 
> the necessary key.  (It is easier to transmit such a password over 
> the phone, or memorize it, than to try to duplicate the hexadecimal 
> value at a remote location.

The "pre-shared key" we're talking about here is actually used as part
of the authentication process in IKE. The pre-shared key that is
selected here is only a tiny part of the actual keying material which is
eventually used to provide keys for the selected encryption algorithm
(3DES In the case we're talking about). IN THEORY, no matter how weak
the "pre-shared key" is, it will NOT affect the integrity of the keying
material used for the final encryption algorithm - the 3DES keys will be
just as strong if you choose "foo" as if you choose
"9D6E6F4C3A4E7C8B0099E84F4E4C4A4". [1]

So why use a strong pre-shared key? It's to prevent password guessing
attacks against the authentication process itself. In most wide-scale
implementations that use pre-shared key, the system will accept any IP
address as long as they provide the correct key (this is actually an
implementation compromise, but most people make it without thinking).
That means that, on an IPSec level, all an attacker needs to do is guess
that key.

If you enter a key in Hex which is, say, 32 bytes (256 bits) which was
derived from a true-random source it will not be guessed. I promise.
Let's say that an acceptable level of entropy (randomness) is 112 bits
(same as 3DES). For typeable passwords, I guess that means about 30
random characters, but would be impossible to achieve with memorable
passwords. In other words, if you're using 3DES then your authentication
process is a weak link, and you should consider something stronger (the
authentication strength should EXCEED the cipher strength, because it's
used more often than any individual cipher key).

If you enter "foo" then I believe that the Netscreen will pass it
through a hashing algorithm, which is likely to produce at least 128
bits of pretty-much random output. This adds no security, since "foo"
will always hash to the same value - someone who guesses "foo" will have
your "pre-shared key".

As an aside for IPSec VPN archtitects, my recommendation is that 3DES be
accompanied by DH group 2, and preferably SHA as the hash algorithm. If
DES is strong enough, then use MD5 and group 1 to increase speed. I
strongly suggest that implementations that need 3DES use strong
authentication - NOT pre-shared keys. Laptop users are a different
problem, and it's probably too in-depth to be germaine here.

>   The password->key generation feature will generate different sizes 
> of key, depending on the encryption method selected.  The poster is 
> finding that it is generating only 2/3 the key length that he expects 
> for the selected encryption, 3DES-CBC.
>   I don't have a NetScreen manual handy, but I suspect that this is 
> one of the 3DES flavours that re-uses one of the keys, so although 
> there are three steps, only two keys are used.  (Giving an effective 
> strength of 112 bits instead of 168).

3DES always has an effective strength of 112 bits, since it's vulnerable
to a meet-in-the-middle attack. The 3DES that is used in IPSec is
"EDE-3" which means that the plaintext is encrypted, decrypted, then
encrypted again, with a different key at each step. In terms of re-using
keys, this is from the RFC (2451):

   "For DES-EDE3, there is no known need to reject weak or
   complementation keys.  Any weakness is obviated by the use of
   multiple keys.

   However, if the first two or last two independent 64-bit keys are
   equal (k1 == k2 or k2 == k3), then the 3DES operation is simply the
   same as DES.  Implementers MUST reject keys that exhibit this

Personally, I don't like the idea of k1 == k3 either, but it all gets
complicated, whereas it's quite clear that the two cases mentioned
simply reduce to DES. Two-key triple encryption is well discussed in
"Applied Cryptography" (Schneier).

>   I've held off answering, in hopes that someone with a manual or 
> other hard information would speak up....
> Dave Gillett

Anyone who has a burning curiosity about the guts of IPSec should
probably bookmark:

In particular, the RFC on IKE will provide lots of background to most of
the stuff I'm discussing here.


[1] This may not be true. If it could be shown that the hashing
algorithm used to create the keying material was flawed, it could be
shown that a less-random pre-shared key infinitesimally reduces the
strength of the final symmetric keys. Since the pre-shared key gets
mixed in with other stuff and also gets hashed _twice_, I don't let it
concern me. Then again, I'm not a real cryptographer.
Ben Nagy
Network Security Specialist
Mb: +61 414 411 520  PGP Key ID: 0x1A86E304 

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