Caro Arturo e cari colleghi,
come si fa ad escludere dal campo della conoscenza scientifica la
parola-concetto (di) INFORMAZIONE, se tutto ciò che esiste in cielo, in
terra e in ogni altro luogo è causa ed effetto di un processo che dà o
prende (in termini neg-entropici o anabolici)) e degrada o perde (in
termini entropici o catabolici) FORMA? Tutto l'esistente o il vivente,
prima o poi, è definibile, misurabile e scambiabile o comunicabile: a
prescindere dalle difficoltà tutto è possibile. Naturalmente, sono sempre
pronto ad apprendere idee diverse, specialmente se provengono da cuori
aperti e menti giovani. Grazie.
Saluti cordiali.

2017-03-27 11:51 GMT+02:00 <>:

> Dear FISers,
> The current debate about information has just a possible development, I
> think.
> Everybody defines information in the way he prefers: subjective, biotic,
> bit, and so on.
> Therefore, every study that talks about "information" is meaningless.
> In particular, subjective accounts of information are useless, because, in
> their framework, the information is not measurable, but just depends on the
> observer: if me, John and Mary see the same can, I think that the Coke is
> good, John thinks that he is thirsty and Mary that the aluminium is a
> malleable material.
> On the other side, I suggested in a previous post how the information
> entropy (such as Shannon's, or Bekenstein's, or Hawking's) may change
> according to the relativistic speed of the hypothetical observer.
> Therefore, I suggest to fully remove the term "information" from every
> scientific account.  The term "information" refers, in Popper's terms, to a
> not falsifiable theory, to pseudoscience: it is a metaphysical claim, like
> the concepts of Essence, Being, God and so on.
> Therefore, by now, the term "information" is definitely out of my
> scientific  vocabulary.
> --
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