Dear FISers, 
science talks about observables, i.e., quantifiable parameters. 
Therefore, describing the word "information" in terms of philosophers' 
statements, hypothetical useless triads coming from nowhere, the ridicolous 
Rupert Sheldrake's account, mind communication, qualitative subjective issues 
of the mind, inconclusive phenomelogical accounts with an hint of useless 
husserlian claims, and such kind of amenities is simply: NOT scientific.  It 
could be interesting, if you are a magician or a follower of Ermetes 
Trismegistus, but, if you are (or you think to be) a  scientist, this is simply 
not science.   Such claims are dangerous, because they are the kind of claims 
that lead to NO-VAX movements, religious stuff in theoretical physics, 
Heideggerian metapyhsics.  Very interesting, but NOT science.    That's all: 
'nuff said.  
Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

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