On Fri, 13 Dec 2013, Andrew Lutomirski wrote:
> I'm working on Fedora packages.  They should be available (on rawhide,
> f19-updates and f20-updates) soon.  The packages are called "fish"
> (shocking, right!).
> In the process of writing the packages, I found some issues of varying 
> severity.
>  - The Python scripts start with #!/usr/bin/env python.  This is
> entirely reasonable, but if there was a way to ask configure to change
> them to (say) #!/usr/bin/python3, that would be neat.

Debian policy[1] strongly recommends `#! /usr/bin/python` over an 
invocation of `env` but either is permissible. The Fedora feature[2] 
hasn't been updated since 2011 and covers a pretty small use case.

Changing it by default will cause problems for FreeBSD (and possibly OS X) 

Adding it to autoconf/configure in the proper way is easy enough but 
hooking it up to the OS X build might be difficult (it is impossible for 
me as I don't have Xcode).

Alternatively, we could do a dodgy hack in the autoconf build.
>  - create_wajig_completions.py confused me for a while.  Would it make
> sense to put it in a directory that indicates its purpose better?

It looks like we should get rid of it entirely! I will do so.

>  - Compressing /usr/share/fish/man/* automatically in 'make install'
> would be nice.

This saves 4 blocks on my system. Regardless, I think compressing manual 
pages is best left to the package infrastructure as it is a system policy. 
Note that doing so breaks the builtin function __fish_print_commands, but 
that is not widely used.

>  - The magic /usr/local detection is sort of against the Fedora rules
> (https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/1185; pull request
> submitted).

Is it? I see 
but the configure check isn't actually in violation of that.

>  - A bunch of link commands are missing CXXFLAGS.

Yep, this is fixed in git (see 

>  - Some files have comments with outdated FSF addresses
> (https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/1184).

Nice one!

On Sat, 21 Dec 2013, Andrew Lutomirski wrote:
> I resurrected Fedora's fish package, and it's on its way to
> updates-testing.  You should be able to try it in a few hours on
> Fedora 19, 20, or Rawhide with:
> $ sudo yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install fish
> The spec and patches are here:
> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/fish.git/tree/

Great! I compared it to 
https://github.com/zanchey/fish-build/blob/master/fish.spec.in which is 
what we use to ship our nightlies and official builds through the OpenSUSE 
Build Service. We use the same spec file for everything from CentOS 5 to 
Fedora 20, so it is a bit more verbose than the Fedora packaging standards 
require, but I'd appreciate feedback.

Some thoughts...

 * I don't know that there's any utility in shipping README.md and 
   CONTRIBUTING.md in binary packages.
 * I don't think you need groff for building, and you can omit doxygen if 
   you don't want to rebuild the documentation (it is shipped in the 
 * You probably want to depend on `bc`, `which` and perhaps `man` (not 
   sure if any of these are in the default install on Fedora.

I have just seen the rather alarming output of rpmlint on our official 
packages, so I'm going to make some changes to those.


David Adam
fish committer

[1]: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ch-programs.html

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