On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 7:22 AM, David Adam <zanc...@ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au> wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Dec 2013, Andrew Lutomirski wrote:
>> I'm working on Fedora packages.  They should be available (on rawhide,
>> f19-updates and f20-updates) soon.  The packages are called "fish"
>> (shocking, right!).
>> In the process of writing the packages, I found some issues of varying 
>> severity.
>>  - The Python scripts start with #!/usr/bin/env python.  This is
>> entirely reasonable, but if there was a way to ask configure to change
>> them to (say) #!/usr/bin/python3, that would be neat.
> Debian policy[1] strongly recommends `#! /usr/bin/python` over an
> invocation of `env` but either is permissible. The Fedora feature[2]
> hasn't been updated since 2011 and covers a pretty small use case.
> Changing it by default will cause problems for FreeBSD (and possibly OS X)
> users.
> Adding it to autoconf/configure in the proper way is easy enough but
> hooking it up to the OS X build might be difficult (it is impossible for
> me as I don't have Xcode).
> Alternatively, we could do a dodgy hack in the autoconf build.

I'd be all for a dodgy hack.  Also,
--with-python-interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 could be a handy feature
(Fedora is planning to switch to Python 3 in the base installation in

>>  - create_wajig_completions.py confused me for a while.  Would it make
>> sense to put it in a directory that indicates its purpose better?
> It looks like we should get rid of it entirely! I will do so.
>>  - Compressing /usr/share/fish/man/* automatically in 'make install'
>> would be nice.
> This saves 4 blocks on my system. Regardless, I think compressing manual
> pages is best left to the package infrastructure as it is a system policy.
> Note that doing so breaks the builtin function __fish_print_commands, but
> that is not widely used.

Fedora's RPM scripts are odd.  They automatically compress manpages in
/usr/share/man, but rpmlint complains about uncompressed manpages
elsewhere.  This isn't really a big deal.

>>  - The magic /usr/local detection is sort of against the Fedora rules
>> (https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/1185; pull request
>> submitted).
> Is it? I see
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines#No_Files_or_Directories_under_.2Fsrv.2C_.2Fopt.2C_or_.2Fusr.2Flocal
> but the configure check isn't actually in violation of that.

True.  It came up in review.  In any case, it's nice for rpm builds to
only depend on things installed by rpm (and hence they probably
shouldn't look in /usr/local).

>>  - A bunch of link commands are missing CXXFLAGS.
> Yep, this is fixed in git (see
> https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/pull/1062).
>>  - Some files have comments with outdated FSF addresses
>> (https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/1184).
> Nice one!

The Fedora packages are headed to stable now.  They should be there in
a day or two.


> On Sat, 21 Dec 2013, Andrew Lutomirski wrote:
>> I resurrected Fedora's fish package, and it's on its way to
>> updates-testing.  You should be able to try it in a few hours on
>> Fedora 19, 20, or Rawhide with:
>> $ sudo yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install fish
>> The spec and patches are here:
>> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/fish.git/tree/
> Great! I compared it to
> https://github.com/zanchey/fish-build/blob/master/fish.spec.in which is
> what we use to ship our nightlies and official builds through the OpenSUSE
> Build Service. We use the same spec file for everything from CentOS 5 to
> Fedora 20, so it is a bit more verbose than the Fedora packaging standards
> require, but I'd appreciate feedback.
> Some thoughts...
>  * I don't know that there's any utility in shipping README.md and
>    CONTRIBUTING.md in binary packages.
>  * I don't think you need groff for building, and you can omit doxygen if
>    you don't want to rebuild the documentation (it is shipped in the
>    tarball).
>  * You probably want to depend on `bc`, `which` and perhaps `man` (not
>    sure if any of these are in the default install on Fedora.
> I have just seen the rather alarming output of rpmlint on our official
> packages, so I'm going to make some changes to those.
> Cheers,
> David Adam
> fish committer
> zanc...@ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
> [1]: 
> http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ch-programs.html
> [2]: 
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SystemPythonExecutablesUseSystemPython

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