I believe you should be able to use the HEAD version. Using home-brew, you can 
install a formula HEAD using the following:

➜ brew install fish --HEAD
Error: fish-2.1.0 already installed
To install this version, first `brew unlink fish'

Assuming fish is already installed, you’d first need to unlink it as per the 
error message above. Then repeating the install command with —HEAD should do 
the trick.

Don’t forget to add the newly installed binary to your list of shells in 
/etc/shells to be able to use it.

— Attila

On 17 Feb 2014, at 16:03, David Xia <da...@davidxia.com> wrote:

> $ brew upgrade fish                                                           
> Error: fish-2.1.0 already installed
> -- 
> David Xia
> davidxia.com
> (320) 616-1803
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