2014-10-31 17:58 GMT+01:00 Santhosh T <santhosh.tek...@gmail.com>:

> when i type "ls --unknownoption"
> i am expected "--unknownoption" to be shown in red.
> fish only showing wrong commands in red color, but not wrong options
> i already did run "fish_update_completions"
> I am using MAC
> thanks
> Santhosh
I first glance, I would say, that it is not a realistic feature.
How could you tell if a given option is a right or a wrong one?

For the command, work is easy: just ask the file system is there is such an
executable program.
But there is no Unix command which tells given a program and options if
they are compatible.
Of course, like autocompletion, you could forbid some options (but that
would concern only very specific programs for which the set of "good"
options can be easily known).
Plus there should be some clever parsing, as for example "ls --
--unknownoption" is a valid command (at least on the Ubuntu version I have).
That is because I can create a file named "--unknownoption".

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