This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Sarah Vogeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This message is from: "Sarah Vogeley"
> > I have read on several Fjord-List posts that
> feeding a textured feed to
> > Fjords is NOT recommended.

Guess I've missed these posts.  Don't know what the
problem might be.  I have used textured feed (pellets)
for two years now - exclusively.  Our geldings just
get too energetic, and too fat, on grain or
grain-based feed.  Ditto for the old mare.  "The boys"
get two measuring cups of pellets(called "sterling
pellets", a complete ration including vitamens) twice
a day along with their grass hay - around 20 lbs each
a day.  Old Line gets the same amount of a "senior
feed", based on beet pulp and alfalfa products, twice
a day along with grass hay.  I've only had one case of
colic - our one and only case - with Line last winter.
 It's cause was not drinking enough water, due to a
different watering situation than she was used to.  We
always feed hay first - let them start on it - then
throw the pellets in.  Each horse eats in his own
stall, so there is no "gobbling" of feed for fear
someone else will get the most.

Anyone else?



Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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