This message is from: "Susan Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Fjord Mailing List.  My name is Susan and with my partner,
Heather, we have two Fjords (mare, Kari and her gelding son, Pluto) with
"our" first foal due anytime now.  I say anytime 'cause our mare will be
11 months, 11 days today.  We are fit to be tied.  Heather has a tent
set up in the barn and has been sleeping there for the past five nights.
The walkie talkie is always on and we are living like hermits.  At times
we think it could happen any minute, at other times she doesn't even act
pregnant. Unfortunately, we do not have info regarding her previous
deliveries (this will be her fourth), which would have been helpful.  We
are  super viligent...yet growing more impatient.  Our lives have
stopped. Is this normal first time syndrome and something that you grow
out of or are we indeed nuts????  Thanks in advance for any thoughts,
advice or stories.  Congrats to all those fillies and colts being born
out there!

Susan Gray & Heather Colson
Mad Woman Farm (we named our farm long before our mare was inseminated!)
Amherst, MA

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