This message is from: "Lynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I have been doing dressage for years, but would go to enormous lengths to
find excuses not to actually take my horse to a competition day. Loved the
lessons, loved the training but something about the competition just wasn't

I finally gave up and have withdrawn from the dressage "scene" - no great
loss I was never an ace competitor, just a weekend dabbler) and have never
been happier with my horses. I used to think it was because I am not very
competitive by nature, but gradually the truth dawned on me. I can't stand
the getting dressed up. Me or the horses. 

SO as a swan around the paddock in my "riding tights" (black stretchy
things with a full deerskin seat which I bought over the internet from US)
and my baggy T shirts I am happy. If my horses ever get shown, I might just
have to get somebody else to do it and I can be the messy strapper in the

I am still smarting because I had to buy a white halter to present my
Friesian to the evaluators and I hate the blasted thing. Waste of money.


> From: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Subject: Riding pants
> Date: Friday, 21 April 2000 8:31 AM
> This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey Gayle well that's why I ride in those Miller's jeans with the knee
> patches. Those darn things are pretty comfy. But then again, not very
> western. Who knows what they are. Okay I think I vote for Mongolian style
> baggy pants tucked in tall soft boots and a leather full seat. Ha. Now
> would be comfort, and sticky to the saddle too, which on Ingmar who moves
> big and who moves FAST is a big plus!!
> Then you have this sort of tunic affair so when you sit in the saddle
> shirt doesn't creep up if you are flat out. Maybe we could learn a thing
> two from those horse culture people, they start riding at five years old.
> They spend a lot of time in the saddle. 
> I think I might actually enter a horse show if I could wear what I wanted
> to, use what tack I liked. You know when I rode in dressage I liked the
> schooling show clothes, like paddock boots and a sweatshirt and riding
> breeches. Pretty comfy stuff that. I never made it to a real show because
> couldn't bring myself to buy the duds.
> Pretty bratty I know. Life is too short. I work so hard all the time. If
> want to ride I want to have some fun. I think we all work too darn hard.
> think life is for living until you're not there anymore.
> But hey, for people that like to show and wear the correct outfits and
> all matching tack etc. More power to ya. I enjoy watching and I will
> and ooohh and ahhh support you from the stands to beat the band and I
> mean it!!! 
> Misha
> Shota Fjords

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