This message is from: "Meredith Sessoms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Since I don't show, yet, I prefer to shave/trim the beards in the fall, let
them grow out with the coat, then shave them off again in the spring.  I
leave the muzzle and eye whiskers too.

Where can one find official rules for grooming such in-between, semi-shaggy
breeds as Welsh Cobs, Highland Ponies, Haflingers and Fjords.

Little Aagot's legs are shaggy all the way up to the knees/hocks.  I trim
the hair from the knees/hocks down almost to the top of the pasterns.  I
assume that's proper.

Her feet are so shaggy the hair hangs down on her hooves ... do you shave
their pasterns and coronet bands, leaving the fetlock hairs long? or do you
take a pair of scissors and neaten the coronet much like you would the ears?
Or are they left natural?

If the fetlock hair hangs all the way to the ground, do you bang it straight
across off the ground like their tails ... or do you round it off for a more
natural look?  One of my ponies stepped on her own fetlock yesterday, and it
concerned me.  It must have hurted and damaged her hair.

>>><<<   Meredith Sessoms
>>><<<   Soddy-Daisy. Tennessee. USA
>>><<<   Dorina & NFR Aagot

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