This message is from: "David Stewart, Registrar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Please don't worry about listing this site as I am certain you did not mean
to cause embarrassment to the FHRS.   These things happen, so please don't
feel bad.

On a happier note ...  today, the Fjord filly, Glen Tanar Eide, appeared on
the BBC television programme, Landward.  Her owner, Jacqueline Rider, aptly
informed viewers about the history of breeding pure bred Norwegian Fjord
horses at Glen Tanar Estate since 1929.  Eide and her dam, Glen Tanar Helga,
were very well behaved and looked so beautiful.   For me, it was very
refreshing to see our Fjords being promoted in such a positive and friendly

With good wishes,


>Honestly, I found the site and posted the address to the list before I even
>looked it over!!!!!  I still haven't read the text.  But it is a rotten
>because there are lots of clickables and they all go to one page!  So
>disappointing.  I will read it and if I find them to talk bad about the
>Scottish Fjords I will post them a nasty!
>>>><<<   Meredith Sessoms
>>>><<<   Soddy-Daisy. Tennessee. USA
>>>><<<   Dorina & NFR Aagot

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