This message is from: "Dave Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just wanted to let the list know that 11 Fjords did a smashing job of
representing the breed in Madison WI, last weekend. April 20-22.  Those
present with their horses were: Sherle, Walt and Rich Monheims, Tom & Ann
Hans, Chet & Donna Thomas, Al & Lois Merrill, Joni Griffin, Pat Holland,
Wanda Hase, Nyla Naniot and Patti Jo Walter.  Others who helped with the
booth were Janet Voeltz, Sophie and Howard Fielder and Rich's finance(sorry
forgot your name again!)  Oh, I probably shouldn't have started with names,
if I missed anyone I am sorry.  Most likely still brain dead from the long
weekend.  We had a team pulling a covered wagon, driven by Walt and Rich
Monheim, Chet Thomas, Al Merrill and Tom Hans all drove single.  Joni
Griffin dressed up as a Viking woman, helmet, horns and blonde braided pig
tails!!  Patti Jo Walter wore a Norwegian Bunda, Pat Holland was in English
show attire and all the western riders were in Norwegian capes.  We were one
good looking bunch.

Ann Hans bought enough material to decorate our stall, so we could all have
matching stalls, red back drop with blue trim and she even had matching
stall names for everyone.  Not only were we very good looking in our carts
and on our horses, but our stall and hospitality booth was impressive as

I think I can say we all had a wonderful time, we got to know each other
better, shared a lot of laughs and stories and just had a great time with
our horses and each other.

I enjoy our group of riders/drivers and am so happy to be a part of it all.
Thank you everyone, you all did a great job!  Can't wait to see what we come
up with next year!!!  It just keeps getting bigger and better.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers, WI

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