This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First off, despite numerous revisions you will have to excuse my 'fuzzy
math'  to borrow W's favorite saying.  Yes indeed 3*12 is still 36.
Sitting in front of a computer all day you would think I knew how to use

so it should have read ...Total cost 12 bags * $3.00 = $36.00  We use a 4yd
dumpster for manure and it is usually full after 3 weeks.  Cost $100.

Total w/shavings for 5 weeks $136

To answer Kate's questions:

"Were the wood pellets as absorbent as the shavings?"  Pellets are
exponentially more absorbent then shavings.

"Do they fluff at all or are they fine like sawdust? "  They fluff up at
first, then as they break down more they turn into a heavier form of

"How do they compare to the cleanup of sawdust? " We cannot get a reliable
source of sawdust, (one we can be sure of its content) so I can't say.

"My feedstore sent me sawdust my last order, same price
as bagged shavings.  I was not a happy camper, I find sawdust doesn't
as nice as shavings.  And if I'm paying the same price then I want the
looking stuff.  "  Pellets start out looking better then either sawdust or
shavings, but end up looking like weak coffee colored sawdust.
Esthetically it's a toss up at that point.

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are the pellets dusty?

Our two boys are like the odd couple, the younger one is very neat, leaving
one big pile for me to pick up, and the other is a slob, with manure kicked
all over his stall, and urine everywhere.   In the neat one's stall, there
is very little dust, while in the other there is considerably more dust.
The dust seems to be at its worst while mucking, we haven't noticed any
dust while they are in their stalls.

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