Hello fellow flashcoders,

I'm still struggling with my e4x problem. With Kenneth's
help I've got it partly working for the cases
where each game has at least 1 user node:

  var games:XML =





  trace("All games: " + games.game.length());
  trace("Full games: " + games.game.user.(length() == 3).length());
  trace("Vacant games: " + games.game.user.(length() < 3).length());

This works well. But once I have a game with no user's,
i.e. <game></game> or just <game/> it fails with runtime error:

  ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable user is not defined.

I know, that when using e4x you're first supposed to test
for a game.user.length()!=0 before referencing a user node.

But how do you do it in this case, when I'm trying to count total numbers?

Thank you
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