Hi list,

Personally, I would prefer to keep using Make as flashrom's build
system. It is what most (if not all) flashrom developers are used to,
and has stood the test of time pretty well. However, every time meson
has been brought up, I have perceived little interest on behalf of
meson's proponents to ensure it is properly maintained. If meson
advocates beg to differ, then I would request that they substantiate
their stance. Having to deal with externally-imposed technical debt is
not something I desire, and I highly doubt anyone else would.

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 1:41 PM Richard Hughes <hughsi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 12:20, Nico Huber <nic...@gmx.de> wrote:
> > So we didn't need these things before. Why do we need them now?
> Meson makes it possible to build fwupd as a subproject of fwupd, on
> any architecture, on any distro, which means we can use libflashrom on
> machines that don't ship a new enough distro version. A lot of
> companies care (including Google) about using fwupd for updating
> system firmware, and without libflashrom being available we'd just
> drop the flashrom plugin in fwupd, and in all honesty just reimplement
> the required bits of flashing to SPI directly.

How exactly does the build system prevent using libflashrom? If this
is due to a limitation of the Makefiles, why not simply fix them? Or
is it that meson is unable to build projects using Makefiles, which
would simply be a deficiency of meson? Still, if flashrom's build
system is somehow unsuitable to use with fwupd, there's nothing that
would preclude deprecating libflashrom usage in favor of a NIH
reimplementation. However, there is only one chance in production
environments: just one mistake can effectively transmute many
computers into highly expensive ornaments.

> As a project you can do
> as you like, but dropping meson would be a huge step backwards for
> people actually using flashrom in production systems and I'm sure
> would alter the future viability of the project.

Fallacious threats as a means to an end might have worked in the past
or in other situations, but can only lead to the caster's own
extinction when used here.

The `-o` command-line option (essential when remotely diagnosing
problems) was unusable on Debian at some point, because of a bug in
the meson files. While the bug has already been addressed upstream,
the broken packages still remain. Plus, since many distributions are
Debian derivatives, they also have the same problem. If meson support
had never been submitted, this problem would have never happened.

I however agree that dropping meson support would alter the future
viability of the project. Without meson, the flashrom project would
have less technical debt to take care of, and the few developers in
charge could spend their time and energy reviewing very useful
features, such as support for flashing ATI/AMD graphics cards; c.f.
https://review.coreboot.org/c/flashrom/+/29078 and follow-ups.

> > In my personal experience, Meson seems harder to maintain.
> Seriously?! I think with a statement like that you should qualify it
> with the number of meson build fixes you've had to do so far.

I had to fix meson several times, and also pushed towards having it
build-tested. I agree with Nico that it is harder to maintain,
primarily because no one actively does so. Experience from coreboot
tells me that code with lots of users but next to no maintainers will
eventually need to be scrapped. This makes users sad, but relieves
developers from neglected technical debt's endless well of suffering.
Having heaps of rotting code stall new features and improvements is
excruciatingly noxious to one's rationality.

> > I'm used to Make, and Meson (itself and
> > the integration in flashrom) is young.
> Well, it's good enough for hundreds of other much larger and older
> projects, including the likes of wayland, gstreamer, gtk and systemd.
> I guess it comes down to if "what you are used to" v.s. "what is best
> for the project".

A project isn't simply a pile of code. It also comprises the people
around it: the users, the maintainers, the developers... Only
accounting for the objective characteristics of flashrom's codebase is
not enough to decide something as fundamental as the build system for
the project.

> > So how about you bring the Meson
> > build up-to-speed first? and once it's able to produce the same binaries
> > on all platforms decide if it's working out?
> What binaries is it missing?

Nico's questions do not suggest in any way that binaries are missing,
but rather that they can be used to compare both build systems. One
way to test meson is to check whether it is reproducible: using the
same configuration options, do both build systems produce the exact
same executable and library binaries? Granted, it is time-consuming to
test all possible combinations of options on all platforms, but at
least some testing to be done. Otherwise, we risk introducing lots of
regressions which no one would then fix.

> This email sounds more like "I don't
> understand X, we have to rip it out for everyone". I guess you've done
> your research and found out which distros shipping flashrom are using,
> either the make-based version or the meson-based version. That might
> help you make up your mind.

It is very simple: the `-o` command-line option is unusable on the
distributions which have switched to meson to build flashrom.

> Richard
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Best regards,
Angel Pons Pons
flashrom mailing list -- flashrom@flashrom.org
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