I agree, put it to rest for this list.
However, in the past 24 hours I've discovered information about the original acquisition of Scene7 and the future plans. It appears now they are inquiring of my corporate papers, though I'm not sure from what's floating around.

I've nothing on my site except a commentary about this, for those who want to be wise about where they spend their time and money in the future, they' d be better with the W3C's Semantic Web 3.0

for any more see,


This is too much to bear, this, what appears to be, pretty big betrayal. Go to Scene7.com and look at their client list and examine how the program works.

See for yourself.

That's my last word on the subject on this list; I'll leave the rest for my site. This development is quite disturbing to me and to those in companies in the Big-3 area that I get my contracts in, who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on FLEX.


On Aug 28, 2008, at 6:32 PM, Tim Hoff wrote:

Cool Robert,

Hopefully, we can just put this to rest.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Robert Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I think the simple answer is we're all in this together and it's good
> to keep an eye out for each other.
> I haven't posted on the list for a very long time and have just been
> watching and examining Papervision3D which I love.
> So I post a concern, and a legitimate one, with no prior thread. Just
> an informative request for all to attend the Webinar.
> I'm sure Adobe will appreciate all [flexcoders] who are extremely
> relevent, to participate in the Webinar at www.Scene7.com on Thursday
> Sept. 11th.
> I'm also sure that it's in our best interest as [flexcoders], more
> appropriately ActionScript 3.0 coders who usually program in FLEX and
> Flash, to ask questions in our best interest.
> I like everyone here and have no qualms with anyone. I just don't
> like to be diss'ed when trying to lookout for the younger generation
> having seen some bad things in these patterns.
> -- end --

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