I think those posts have ended, at least by me.

I said very clearly in one post to that I would make an effort to stay focused on [flexcoders] which is why i've been using that name when referring to something.

my last post was on FDT Enterprise - that's all. and then the ball came swinging again.

the issue is over for me.

as for ol which i won't mention by full name you just mentioned it, the whole reason I brought that up is because i've been trying to decide for months on the best way to invest flexcoding time into place where it won't just die one day due to some big change in the industry....and that's where my inquiry all began...in just that

so i don't think it's off topic if i [flexcode] and want that code to be able to work with other runtimes, so that one day i don't wake up and a few years of investment in time and money are gone.

i made that point, from then on it was 1 person angry with me, then another polite, then the fo remark / better to deal with something sooner rather than later.

can we go back to my </end> which was made so clear in the topic heading to stop this, because Josh clearly said "No I won't" (get off my back I asked).


On Sep 1, 2008, at 6:09 PM, Guy Morton wrote:

Of course, having said that, we do need to draw the line somewhere. eg if you were to have a

situation where one list member was:

* going on and on about the same topic excessively despite the annoyance that this was
  causing many other list members

* padding replies with unrelated rants about pet topics

* making ongoing recommendations of other technologies, like say, Open Laszlo

* writing posts long on rhetoric but short on relevant facts

I think at some point then, someone might have to tell them to pull their heads in.

What do you think?


On 29/08/2008, at 8:55 AM, Tim Hoff wrote:

Fair enough and thanks for the opinion. Yes, the previous Silverlight
discussion also fits into this category. Don't get me wrong, my opinion
is just one in this group and the delete key is my friend also. Just
trying to keep it somewhat real.

Thanks Guy,

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Guy Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think anyone is much interested in personal rants, but there
> is a decent-sized grey area of topics that some people believe are
> topic and want to suppress (my recent discussion with the MS product
> manager for Silverlight being one example). Personally, I think
> considered rational discussion about Flex in the context of other
> technologies is something every developer should take at least a
> passing interest in.
> The vast majority of the email that lands in my flexcoders folder is > of no immediate interest to me and I'm sure others must have the same > experience on such a busy list for a product with such a broad range > of applications. As a result, I think tolerating the odd thread that
> doesn't specifically relate to coding in Flex isn't that hard.
> I'd encourage those who are prone to trying to kill off threads they > don't personally like to consider that developers are a broad church > and that we should perhaps keep an open mind about what others choose > to contribute, so long as it relates to Flex in some significant way.
> If a discussion doesn't interest you, use the delete key!
> Guy
> On 29/08/2008, at 7:35 AM, Tim Hoff wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > This is the text from the original FlexcodersFAQ.txt file:
> >
> > 1. What is Flexcoders?
> >
> > Flexcoders is a forum where developers can ask questions about Flex,
> > FlexBuilder, and Flex-related technologies (like Cairngorm and
> > FlexUnit). The community is made up of everyday Flex developers as
> > well as Adobe employees. However, this is not an official Adobe-
> > sponsored forum, it is moderated by the community. However the
> > original moderators who are still actively involved are folks from
> > iteration::two, now members of Adobe Consulting.
> >
> > In light of some recent threads, that have clearly been personal
> > comentary, instead of flex-related technology questions, I thought > > that it might be useful at this time to reinforce the spirit of this > > list, and to also ask the list how others feel about personal rants
> > posted here. Are there others that feel that the number of off-
> > topic threads has increased to the point that it's getting out of
> > hand and that the appropriate place for these type of posts should > > be personal blogs; instead of this list? I realize that this isn't > > a technology question in itself, but it seems that people are hoping > > that by ignoring those that are abusing the list, that they will go
> > away. This doesn't appear to be the case.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for your responses,
> > -TH
> >
> >
> >

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