I should also say that all works well when the SWF is dynamically
loaded at runtime.  It's only when embedded into the application that
it fails.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Todd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All,
>   The Flex docs aren't really clear on this, but I'm wondering if it's
> possible to EMBED a SWF written for Flash 9 into a Flex 3 application,
> and then access some properties on it, methods, and click events from
> it.  Right now, I get an error:
> ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property foo_test not found on
> embedded_asset_object and there is no default value.
> I'm using mx:SWFLoader with an id of loadedSWF and some code that
> looks like:
>  loadedSWFMainTimeline = loadedSWF.content; 
>  testProperty = loadedSWFMainTimeline.testProperty;    
> Poof Error!
> I've also tried casting the loadedSWF.content to Objects and the
> dataClass (which wasn't right)
>  loadedSWFMainTimeline = (loadedSWF.content as Object).dataClass;
>  testProperty = loadedSWFMainTimeline.testProperty;    
> Any ideas?  The Flex documentation alludes that this won't work for
> SWFs compiled to Flash Player 8 or earlier, but doesn't really
> mention, nor have samples for FP 9+

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