Hi Tim,


Well, my first impression is that it’s pretty complex, at least a lot more complex than just creating ASP.NET Web services and calling them from flex.

Apparently you need to place all your remote methods in xml config files. Etc. The tutorials from http://www.themidnightcoders.com/articles/datamanagement-part3.htm help a lot, but it’s still a huge change, also in the way of thinking. (eg updating data with the sync methods, changeobjects etc). Also you use a lot more databinding, whereas with web services you just fill your datagrid or treeview with the data you receive, and in the case of an update, you will probably use a web service too to update the current row. Here you just omit your changes to your dataService, and he handles all the rest.


I think the Flex + .NET + WebORB community is pretty small at the moment though, so it would be nice of some gurus from this list play a bit with it like I’m doing right now.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Hoff
Sent: donderdag 13 juli 2006 11:32
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: WebORB for .net beta5: feedback


Hey Jonas,

Please let us know what your impressions of WebORB are after you
have had a chance to work with it a little. I'll be switching
from .NET WebServices to RemoteObject soon, so I would love to hear
about your experience.

Tim Hoff

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com, "Jonas Windey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, I forgot to read my mails last night. Apparantly Mark Piler
> themidnightcoders.com sent me a mail after noticing that I had
> the beta 5 (which had just been released), writing the following:
> A quick workaround is to open web.config
from /Inetpub/wwwroot/weborb and
> remove the following two lines:
> <add assembly="vjslib, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A"/>
> <add assembly="BlueDragon, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=7551335DE9FC3C36"/>
> Please make sure that the closing tags for <assemblies> and
> stay in the file (they are on the same line as the BlueDragon
> You can always check if web.config is valid by opening the
following URL:
> http://localhost/weborb/examples/testsuite/client/testsuite.aspx
> How nice is this? :-) I guess he must get a notification every
time someone
> downloads his product, and check if everything is working.
> So, I got the Contact Manager sample working now, let's play
around a bit.
> Jonas

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