Perhaps you should be talking with Doubleclick, it looks like they
have a Flash in Flash solution for DART.

I'm not at all familiar with it though, just trying to be helpful.
I've never really worked with ads before, I have a deep disdain for
them... but I'm sure someday I'll have to give in to it.

--- In, "Jean-Luc ESSER" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If someone finds a solution to this one, i'll pay him strawberries !
> Is there a way of doing a js document.write in Flex ?
> Explanantion :
> Today i have a website with DART tags like this one :
> <script>
> <!--
> document.write('<script language="JavaScript"
> //-->
> </script>
> Tomorrow my website is gonna be a full flex application.
> How do i implement my DART into my Flex app ?
> Looks like i cannot, because the source is not necessarly the swf or
> gif, but can be a redirect, that is another js calling another js, and
> so on.
> So is there a way flex can deal with this ?
> I think this is gonna become a very big problem if we cannot deal with
> ads in flex apps...
> Using an iFrame to display ads doesn't work as some ads may have to
> expand over the app on rollover.
> Working with divs won't work as there is no way of knowing the size of
> the ad returned by DART, and thus no way of allowing the corresponding
> space in our flex app...
> I'm stuck !!
> Jean-Luc.

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