Hi Juan

Our ScrollBar arrow turned out to be a Bitmap, so you were right about
scale-9 not being picked up for Bitmaps. Changing that to a vector
fixed it. 

The scale-9 issue seems to only be a problem for ComboBoxes. Our
ComboBox arrows are vectors and we are developing in FlexBuilder 3
Beta 2. Is it possible that the Flex 2 bug still exists for some cases
in FlexBuilder 3? I use the same arrow now for our scroll-bar, which
works fine in the ScrollBar case, but not the ComboBox.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "scalenine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you using bitmaps as skins in your Flash file? If so, I don't
> believe scale-9 will punch through to those bitmaps in either
> scenario. You would have to pull those bitmaps out of the Flash file
> as separate assets.
> Regarding the arrow getting stretched, are you using Flex 2? The
> reason I ask is because in Flex 2 the arrow icon has to be part of the
> ComboBox, thus it will stretch even with scale-9 applied to it. You
> could try to change this by setting both vertical scale grids above o
> below the arrow. However, if you are using rounded corner those would
> end up getting stretched. Other wise you might have to create
> different skins for ComboBoxes with different heights.
> I believe the issue is being resolved in Flex 3 with a new property
> called arrowIcon making the icon separate from the skin so the skin
> scales separately from the arrowIcon.
> I'm not sure about the ScrollBars. I've found that sometime adjusting
> the scale grids on the ScrollBar arrow skins can fix the issue.
> HTH,
> Juan

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