Hi Frank,

Reality is that Research must be free to explore and find new solutions
to customer needs.  Production development  must sustain the business
based on return on investment.  Successful Corporations some how find a
way to balance the two.  Passing a solution from research to development
is like transferring a sailor from one ship to another in a hurricane.

The obvious solution is to make the research solution the production
development solution.  An ideal seldom achievable.  Each must have a 
different balance between freedom and responsibility.

Based on it's business model, each Corperation must find it's own R&D
model.   FlexRadio is very unique in that it has a unique and free cadre
of research and development folk to draw on.  How far this model can be
pushed, time will tell.   The volunteers that like to work on the
bleeding edge are like scouts.  They like to live dangerously.   Scouts
are fascinated by Linux and Erlang.  They are researchers.   Explorers
follow behind the scouts and clear the wilderness, put up cabins and
occasionally fight indians. They are developers.  These guys will convert
Linux and Erlang to what ever provides the biggest ROI.  Settlers are
appliance customers and folks with profit and loss responsibility.

If Flex is to be sustained as a viable (even if non profit) organization
then it will need appliance customers.  They are the bulk of a small

If your business model is based on the 5000C style then details such as
language and OS are hidden from the user,  choices can be made on one set
of parameters mainly performance and functionality with ease of
maintenance/reliability thrown in.  Do research in Linux and Erlang.  Do
development in Linux and Erlang.  ( Don't forget if one day Erlang isn't
supported the development must be done again.)

If your business model is based on the 5000A style then you don't want
language and OS to be a limiting factor for a customer making a purchase.
 Do research in Linux and Erlang.  Do development in Functional C and
Functional Windows or what ever M$ creates.

If you business style is a mix of styles then the A style rules.  Likely
can't afford to carry two implementations.

Because some of the flexers are scouts and explorers,  you will  have
some customers who will always want to run a Linux/Erlang (research)
version.  This would be terrific.

I think a very public involved research program suits Flexradio's SW
world.  As Flexradio succeeds, I'm not sure of the publics roll is in
production SW development.  My guess production SW development will have
a paid professional core supported by volunteers.

Well, best I can do Frank and probably too wordy.  To paraphrase Mark
Twain, "If I'd only had more time..."  Flex of course will have to find
it's own way.  I only hope I can add a bit of my experience along the

I for one, am sure Flex will succeed and will help any way I can.

vy 73's


On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 18:08:31 -0500 "Frank Brickle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Dec 23, 2007 5:24 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This will come sooner than later.  Yes it's fun to play with Linux and
Erlang.  Yes L & E will provide a lot of understanding for the inevitable
programming of PowerSDR in Functional C for Functional Windows.  In the 
mean time please for the sake of us FlexRadio supports don't get confused
about the end result.  Also, please don't start a lot of rumors which
might limit a budding market.

Is there a reality-based point in here somewhere? 

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