Quoting "Peter G. Viscarola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Mon 24 Dec 2007  
06:09:58 AM PST:

>> There's nothing speculative about it. We need to leverage the technical
>> superiority of Linux while accommodating the massive market inertia of
>> Windows.
> Both Windows and Linux are essentially 1980's technology operating
> systems, with little to differentiate them at the level of base
> architecture.
> Calling Linux "technically superior" to Windows is capricious,
> inflammatory, and not technically correct.

I concur...

It's more a difference in development and distribution philosophy.  
Under the hood the kernels work in fairly similar ways (interrupts,  
drivers, preemptive scheduling, etc.) The differences are largely in  
the user interaction layer.. Windows is fairly "user event" driven..  
"which process fields that mouse click", although in the server world,  
it's somewhat less so.  I'd say that since the original WinNT kernel  
displaced the older DOS "CP/M single thread" model it's been pretty  
conventional multi task operating system.  A file system, a scheduler,  
some form of memory pool management, virtual memory/swap files,  
loadable device drivers, etc.

Often, too, folks sort of congeal all of Windows, including the  
applications, into one conceptual bundle. One should not tar the  
underlying kernel and OS with the sins of PowerPoint, for instance.   
{And yes, there's no question that MS actively seeks to cram  
applications stuff into the OS.. embrace and extend and all that.. but  
at least for the last few years, it's been pretty well partitioned  
into user space, and is configure-out-able..}

Windows also bundles a whole raft of (non-kernel) stuff together and  
encourages the use of it in applications (i.e. DDE, OLE, etc,  
Microsoft Foundation Classes, the GDI API, .NET these days, etc.).  In  
the *nix world, the tendency is to keep all the bits and pieces  
separate, and let the developer figure out which pieces to keep and  
which to discard.

They BOTH have all sorts of configuration management problems (.dll  
hell for Win, glibc versions, etc. in Linux), most of which are  
addressed by some subsequent packaging tools (make autoconf?)

Therefore, you can probably build a smaller Linux image, because it  
does provide the ability to strip out big chunks, while Windows,  
targeting a more mass distribution market, tends to take a "the masses  
will mostly need all this, so lets keep it one big hunk" approach.

And, there's a whole horses for courses thing.  Windows is clearly  
targeting the consumer media market, and to go there, they need fairly  
robust digital rights management, something that the Linux user world  
is not clamoring for.

WIndows (obviously) is doing a halfway decent job targeting their  
market.  Linux likewise.  Neither is going away any time soon.

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