OK - I have been looking at the two things as both being something that can
eliminate noise.
I guess that is too simple of an outlook. I'm not a noise scientist and so I
didn't know that sometimes some kinds of noise need blanking and other kinds
need cancelling. And I have no idea how to tell which kind of noise needs

I don't know what kind of noise I have at my QTH so I don't know if I need a
blanker or a canceller. Or both. I was hoping that by seeing and hearing a
video I could see how the two compared.

But apparently wanting to see and hear a comparison of these two things is a
very bad thing to wish for - so I will be sure to just live with the noise
that I have, knowing that there is not an answer to the question of how the
MFJ unit compares to the PSDR NB button.

Best regards,

Michael Jones W0STB
SCSI Toolbox LLC

-----Original Message-----
From: br...@lloyd.com [mailto:br...@lloyd.com] On Behalf Of Brian Lloyd
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 12:56 PM
To: mi...@scsitoolbox.com
Cc: herbe...@centurytel.net; flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] compare with PSDR NB?

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Michael Jones <mi...@scsitoolbox.com>
> I have to disagree, or maybe we aren't comparing the same things.
> They are both noise blankers.

No, actually they aren't. The NB function in PowerSDR is a noise
blanker. The MFJ box is a noise canceler.

> They both have one function - to minimize or eliminate noise.

Sort of. Let me give you an analogy. Your question appears to me
something like asking, "which is better, a dipole or a vertical
antenna? They are both designed to transmit and receive radio waves so
which one is better?" I think that you will agree that, because they
work in a different manner that there will be occasions where a dipole
will be superior to a vertical and vice-versa. Are you doing NVIS or
DX? Is the signal vertically or horizontally polarized? Unless I have
the parameters of your application, I can't give you a meaningful

So, I believe that it is not possible to answer your question in a
simple A/B or yes/no fashion. They are different and will perform
differently in different situations. If the noise problem you are
trying to solve is multiple sources of impulse noise, e.g ignition
noise, then the NB function will perform better. If the problem is a
single CW noise source, e.g. noise from a bad power supply, the NB
won't work at all and the MFJ unit will work better.

> I don't care how they do it, or what is involved at this point such as
extra antennas, etc.

Then it is not possible to answer your question as stated.

> I am not talking about comparing how they accomplish what they are
supposed to do, I am talking about comparing the results of what they do.
> They both are supposed to blank noise, Which one does that best?

Given the parameters you have set for answering the question, I cannot
answer your question. Good luck!

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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