Hi Ted

With your info, I was able to set up some products to follow and I have received a couple of posts already.

Many thanks.

Jerry W4UK

At 01:00 PM 9/11/2014, T.H. Bauer wrote:
Hi Jerry,

If your browser will not accept cookies from Community (or its provider), Following any of the products lines is a futile exercise: I learned the hard way. BTW, depending upon your browser, you can set up exceptions to allow cookies from these sites and not the entire

With that bit of preamble, what I did was to go to each of the product lines (Categories) in which I have interest and clicked on the main title for each. For each Category, once opened, you should see a blue tag/label/button that says Follow. Click on that; the button should now change to Unfollow. If it does, you are now Following that Category/product line.

The hardest thing for me was setting up Chrome cookies...because I kept setting up the exceptions incorrectly. IF you are using Chrome, these are the exceptions to define in Settings/Advanced Settings/Privacy/Content settings/Cookies/Manage Exceptions for
Community to work and to Follow product lines:


Hope this helps.

Ted   WA3AER

On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Jerry Flanders <<mailto:jefland...@comcast.net>jefland...@comcast.net> wrote:
Hi Ted

I have been unable to set up product lines to follow.

Any tips?

Jerry W4UK

At 12:12 PM 9/11/2014, T.H. Bauer wrote:
...One thing I do like is the ability to choose which
products/service "lines" to follow, AND the
ability to modify them as my interests change....

Ted   WA3AER


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