Steve Hosgood wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 14:15, Josh Babcock wrote:
>>Just as a note, this functionality already exists. You can use the mouse
>>to look around and zoom in. Zoom in, click, zoom out. I do it all the time.
> That's a very good trick (just tried it). Never thought of that one, and
> yes, I can even read the buttons on the autopilot by doing that.
> The only trouble with that approach is that you can't both look out of
> the window *and* read the autopilot without quite a few mouse-clicks and
> some x/X keypresses.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I can do it without any key presses because of
I bound my scroll wheel to zoom in look mode. It takes me at most two
mouse clicks, two mouse movements and two scroll wheel movements to get
there and back. I also changed the head motion bindings a bit.

Also, have you considered looking into OpenGC? It won't give you the
MSFS like functionality of dragable sub windows, but I think it would
allow you to make arbitrary windows to display instruments in cutouts.


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