Ralf Gerlich wrote:

Heh, I'd like to see you looking at the Autopilot _and_ out of the window in a real plane. ;-)

As was mentioned, the nearest you could come to the "flow" in the cockpit IRL - not looking at the instrument and still changing its setting - is probably using the keyboard...at least as far as I see that as a pure simulation pilot ;-)

This touches on one of the *big* differences between a 'toy' and a real pilot training tool. Having the entire instrument panel available at it's correct scale and location as well as having all the cockpit controls in their right location with the right amount of force feedback is a *huge* thing in terms of making the simulator realistic.

This is why all those oddball home/hobby cockpit builders aren't as far off their rockers as it might first appear. They are taking a huge step towards a more realistic simulation environment. And I'm sure all these people have spouses who understand the importance of a realistic flying experience.

You could have *perfect* flight dynamics that nailed all the numbers and all the nuances of the model exactly right, but if you are sitting at your desk, holding a $20 joystick in one hand and typing on your keyboard with another, while peering at a 17" monitor ... it's just not going to ever be all that realistic of an 'experience.'

I will even go so far as to assert that when creating a 'realistic' flying experience, having the flight model right exactly on, is less important than having a full scale cockpit with controls that have the right amount of force feedback at the right times. An enclosure is a huge addition because it blocks out many of the real world distractions that can snap you back to reality. In addition, assembling a wrap around visual system that projects a field of view that exacatly matches the field of view covered by your display device is also very helpful.

All of this is said from the perspective of creating a realistic flying experience. If you are using flightgear for other purposes (such as an engineering simulator or visualization tool, running it on a desktop PC or laptop may be exactly what is needed.)



Curtis Olson        http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
HumanFIRST Program  http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/
FlightGear Project  http://www.flightgear.org
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