Jim Wilson wrote:
 > Mainly I just want to focus on getting a really nice looking panel
 > without getting too hung up in doing everyting at once.  Probably
 > I'll add pilars if any would show facing forward and then possibly
 > very plain doors (if it looks too much like you're sitting in a
 > flying jeep otherwise).

What about the idea of "pasting" a current panel XML onto a rectangle
in 3D space around the viewer?  This, to me, would be 90% of what I
want.  I want to pan the view and see the instruments in the right
places.  Really, I'd be happy flying Wonder Woman's Invisible Plane if
I could get a panel floating in front of me.

Also, I was looking at the HUD code recently.  Alas, it seems awfully
tied to a flat screen idiom, and uses pixel (!) coordinates at that.
Has anyone with more knowlege about the HUDs given any thought to
making them work in a virtual cockpit environment?  It's looking to me
like big chunks of the code will have to be scrapped and rewritten.

 > 3) How should I determine the size to make the cockpit?  Is there
 > any rule of thumb for scaling?  I've just redone the model (for the
 > third or forth time :-)) and right now is a good point to settle on
 > size/scaling.

So long as the proportions are consistent, it really doesn't matter.
Rescaling a 3D model is really easy.  Maybe not in ac3d, but I'm sure
a ssg-based transformer (or just a perl script -- what does ac3d
format look like?  Is it text?) too could be written with no
difficulty.  It probably already exists.  Just make sure you put the
origin somewhere meaningful -- the pilot's eyepoint strikes me as the
best choice.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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