I haven't still synced everything so I haven't tested this new feature, 
but for the sake of realness, we can perform a flight around doing scales 
at airports, and then refill the tanks. If I remember correctly, some 
properties can be setted in the menu, so we can refuel the plane at any 

On 2002.01.19 15:25 Norman Vine wrote:
> David Megginson writes:
> >
> >If you grab the latest SimGear, FlightGear, and base package from CVS,
> >you'll notice that fuel consumption is now working on JSBSim
> >piston-engine aircraft (well, the Cessna 310 doesn't have the right
> >number of tanks or the right fuel capacity, and the Cessna 182 has a
> >172 gauge that goes only as high as 28 gal_us/tank, but I'm working on
> >it).  No more non-stop, transpacific flights on autopilot.
> COOL , Great :-)
> But we need an overide to ignore fuel consumption so we can
> do non-stop around the world flights on autopilot.
> I keep thinking of an old post by Oliver where he couldn't get to
> his machine because the neighborhood kids were using it to
> fly FlightGear all the time.
> They loved it because it was a SIMPLE FlightSim.
> ie the engines were already started
>    you didn't have to worry about running out of fuel
>    when you crashed you just used the reset menu
>    when a mountain got in the way you just added emergency altitude
>    when you wanted to go faster you hit the accelerator key
>    ect..
> This was a while ago and the SIM is much more 'realistic'
> now but I wonder if it would still have the same appeal as
> it did to those kids a couple of years ago or if they would
> consider it another of those 'adult sims' that was too complicated ?
> IMHO the realism is great but we should also keep the
> KISS version around.
> BTW  - Nice addition, we needed this :-)
> Cheers
> Norman
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