John Wojnaroski writes:

 > Excuse me, but if you go back you will see that I allowed to the
 > fact that I was unclear on the idea of the properties, but was
 > willing to give it a go.

I cannot find that message or my replies to it through Google, but it
may have missed indexing some archived postings.  When you asked about
using properties, I probably suggested that you start either by
looking at $FG_ROOT/preferences.xml or by saving a flight (using the
drop-down menu).  Now, fortunately, we have an interactive GUI
property browser built right into FlightGear, as well as HTTP and
telnet interfaces, so it's very easy to study the properties while the
program is running.

There are two important C++ APIs you have to learn for properties -- I
added extensive documentation comments to both so that contributors
won't have to guess how to use them.  The low-level implementation is
declared in simgear/misc/props.hxx, and Curt has autogenerated HTML
documentation here:

Most of the time, though, you can get away with using the higher-level
functions declared in src/Main/fg_props.hxx.  Curt hasn't generated
HTML documentation from this yet, but if you look at the file, you'll
see about a 1:1 documentation:code ratio, and the comments are fairly
easy to read.  You can look at many parts of FlightGear to see how
properties are being used in actual code.

 > I don't agree with that. IMHO that might be true if one is already
 > cognizant and comfortable with the architecture. C++ is a common
 > reference point and moving away from it adds obfuscation. And the
 > more I think about it the less I like it. If one is writing code
 > for a small group then properties might be okay, but in a larger
 > group and open source efforts it seems that changes need to move
 > more slowly and at a more measured pace

That's a valid point, and one that Norman Vine (whom I respect
greatly) has made forcefully many times.  Our problem is that our C++
code base is a mess of spaghetti code with stale methods and
excruciating interdependencies -- some of it, like the HUD, isn't even
recognizably object-oriented.  Writing good, clean C++ code is hard,
and refactoring old code is even harder.

More importantly, the project was stalling badly a while ago because
there were so few hard-core C++ programmers willing and able to
contribute.  I added the property manager especially so that
non-programmers could contribute more easily, but it turned out that
it was useful for programmers as well (witness Andy's rapid
development of YASim) -- instead of having to learn dozens of
inconsistent C++ interfaces, you have to learn only one property-tree
structure and you can get and set whatever information you need.  The
filesystem idiom used in the property tree is familiar to many more
people than C++ design patterns (which we don't use well anyway), and
given the accelerated progress since we introduced the property
manager, it seems to have been a success.

 > > As Curt has mentioned recently, we do plan to remove most of
 > > FGInterface as well, when we have the chance; we are able to test
 > > that nothing in the FlightGear code base breaks, but obviously,
 > > we have no way to test external code.
 > Whoa! The arrogance of it all. Sounds like the microsoft way. Do it
 > my way or no way. If your code breaks it's your fault.

What's wrong with Microsoft?  No, I'm just joking, and I think you
misunderstood what I wrote.  I apologize that I haven't had time to
look at the OpenGC code yet -- FlightGear's a big project.  Let me
rephrase: I had assumed that your code was already in the FlightGear
CVS somewhere, and that when there were no compilation errors, I
hadn't broken it.

 > You still haven't honored my request for information on where the
 > gear property values are located or is it a case that each
 > developer is free to defined the properties as they see fit within
 > their own context. If that is the case then I don't think it will
 > be possible to build and maintain an interface to external
 > programs.

Again, I cannot find this posting with Google, but the indexing may be
incomplete; I also cannot find the message from Tony Peden a couple of
months ago where he explained the gear properties to everyone in
detail, because that would have most helpful.

The gear control position is in


which is either true or false.  Actual gear information for each wheel
is published by JSBSim under the /gear hierarchy, but we haven't
really standardized that yet -- status reporting from the FDMs for
aircraft parts is still something new, and subject to reorganization.
YASim may be doing something totally different right now.

Please feel free to participate in this discussion and contribute your
suggestions as we try to standardize all of this, but remember, also,
that we're not a big, impersonal organization like Microsoft, so
please try not to use us as a target of any anger or frustration you
might have -- everyone runs into code problems sometimes, and I've
spent dozens of evenings trying to fix my own contributions that
someone else accidentally broke.  It's annoying, but it's also one of
the true joys of open source, especially when you discover ways to
improve your own code or add new features in the process.

Like me, Curt, Jon Berndt, Tony Peden, Dave Luff, Andy Ross, and the
rest of the main contributors are not paid for our FlightGear, and we
do not have a big organization, documentation writers, and a
tech-support call centre to back us up.  I'm an independent XML
consultant -- if my customers need something done, I have to drop
FlightGear (and ignore all e-mail) until I'm finished, or else I might
not have food or a house, much less a computer to use for contributing
new code.  We're all in the same position.

All the best,


David Megginson

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