John Wojnaroski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Excuse me, but if you go back you will see that I allowed to the fact that I
> was unclear on the idea
> of the properties, but was willing to give it a go. If this is truely an
> open source project then other
> ideas and opinions need to be honored, not just the few with dictatorial
> commit authority!

That doesn't sound quite right from my experience, but i should also say this:
Even though these concepts and ideas get discussed on the list often the final
decision seems to be done off list.  It might be good for someone to
pre-announce when they are going to remove or rewrite a major class.  While
I've seen projects get ruined by too much central authority,  personally I
appreciate the help of people who already know the project and have a sense of
where things ought to be going.  I think the FlightGear project strikes a very
nice balance.

> Property names do change occasionally, but the
> > breakages those changes cause are much less violent (and easy to debug
> > using the property browser).
> >
> I don't agree with that. IMHO that might be true if one is already cognizant
> and comfortable with the architecture. C++ is a common reference point and
> moving away from it adds obfuscation. And the more I
> think about it the less I like it. If one is writing code for a small group
> then properties might be okay, but in a
> larger group and open source efforts it seems that changes need to move more
> slowly and at a more measured pace

Having used the property system to learn what I have so far about the code and
debug some of it, I'd have to say it helps.  Or at least it is more
convenient...sort of like having a built in debugger.  On the other hand it
can badly obfuscate some of the workings since they are not classified the way
C++ objects are.

> > As Curt has mentioned recently, we do plan to remove most of
> > FGInterface as well, when we have the chance; we are able to test that
> > nothing in the FlightGear code base breaks, but obviously, we have no
> > way to test external code.
> Whoa! The arrogance of it all. Sounds like the microsoft way. Do it my way
> or no way. If your code breaks it's your fault.

No the microsoft way is: "Yeah we broke that on purpose so you'll have to buy
more of our products" :-D


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