OK, after discovering that my original implementation was horribly
buggy, I have now committed a better version of the normalized control
surface position code to JSBSim and FG cvs. There is a new set of
properties for these:

For aircraft like the c172, these values will be essentially the same as
the input (except for the flaps).  For aircraft with more complex flight
control systems, however, these values will reflect the pilot input plus
whatever changes the FCS makes to that.

Note that there seems to be a bug in the prop picker, as a scroll bar is
not created when looking at the /surface-positions tree even though it
is needed.  Right now this means that you can't see rudder-pos-pct

In order to support right aileron, an addition to the config file is
necessary.  From c172.xml:

       ID            3
       INPUT         FG_AILERON_CMD
       MIN          -20
       MAX           15
       GAIN          0.01745

The INVERT keyword is important here, this forces mapping positive input
to negative output and vice versa.  Note that you need not change
references to FG_AILERON_POS as this just refers (internally) to the
left aileron, though you may want to for clarity.

Tony Peden
We all know Linux is great ... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds. 
-- attributed to Linus Torvalds

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